There’s lots of ideas that I think about - this is probably the overarching one that I keep coming back to, and the longer I pursue my practice the more jigsaw pieces fall into place and connections are made.
When I made Liminal II and Only Connect at University, the duality of the pieces - the dark and light, the balance that I was searching for, the act of piercing the inked paper and then applying ‘light’ (bleach) to shine through the resulting holes, suddenly came into focus when I read about philosophies of The Sublime. The idea/understanding of Liminality struck a chord and connected with the ideas that I hadn’t yet put into words.
I still find it hard to put into words all the ideas scurrying around my head - that’s why I’ve decided to do this journal, so you can sort of see the layers behind the paintings..
This is by no means the definitive version, but it’s a start to showing you behind the scenes.