Storm Moon… from sketchbook to living room wall - commissioning a painting.

Whilst exhibiting at the wonderful Discover Gather Give Contemporary Arts Fair in Stratford upon Avon during 2019, I met a lovely client who subsequently commissioned me to create a painting for her. As it would turn out, this piece kept me sane during the following craziness that is Covid and it’s lockdown of life as we know it.

It gave me no choice but to start painting in what is now known as Le Shedio at the end of my garden, and with a new baby in tow, the now close proximity of my studio was fabulous.

My client’s wishes for her commission were straightforward: She had a space in mind and sent me photos of the room along with approximate measurements. She was able to point out a couple of existing paintings of mine that she liked the feel of, and requested a more recognisable landscape piece rather than abstracted, a gold circle to suggest a moon or sun, a murmuration and a good balance between dark and light. After that, I was free to create. Read on and scroll down to see the process unfold…

My sketch book was the first port of call:


How Tangaroa got it's name... A personalised print.


Solid silver and diamond anniversary pendant with 24ct gold beads.